markets, meat and flowers


Motorbikes: the best way to scoot around Chiang Mai



Unbelievably good street food Unbelievably good street food

Meat balls, meats on a stick, mystery meats

Meat balls, meats on a stick, mystery meats

Lily pads and demi gods

Lily pads and demi gods

IMG_1645“Soi” is the name for smaller alley-type streets in Chiang Mai. Honestly feels a lot like Venice, CA.

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Fish on a grill

Fish on a grill

Mark the Mushroom Farmer: My Woworat Market Guide

Mark the Mushroom Farmer: My Woworat Market food guide

Dried insects. A delicious alternative to chips!

Dried fish galore. Eat it like beef jerky!

Dried fish galore. Eat it like beef jerky!

Dried octopus and salmon. Mmmmmm!

Dried octopus and salmon. Mmmmmm!

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